What is the VAIO 500 Web Ring?
The Web Ring is a collection of sites that contain information about the Sony VAIO 500 series subnotebooks. It allows people surfing the Web to easily navigate through sites dedicated to the same topic without using search engines and keywords.
All sites of the ring are connected to each other and present the user an easy to find way to navigate to other sites of the ring.
You don't have a VAIO 500 page but you would still like to link to the VAIO webring? No problem! Just choose one of these buttons (right click and save it to your hard drive) and add this code to your page:
![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
<a href="www.fieros.de/vaio/index.html"> <img src="ringbtn1.jpg" alt="vaio 500 webring" width=125 height=40 border=0></a>
It's simple. You should have a site that contains information about the Sony VAIO 500 series subnotebooks, and you're qualified to join the web ring! Fill out the form below, and you will receive a site ID. Enter this site ID into the sample HTML fragment below, add it to your page, and you're set!
Here is the form. Enter the information and click on submit. Your site will then be sent to a server and added to a queue. I (the ringmaster) will be notified and I will check your page and verify that it has VAIO 500 content and that you have added the ring HTML code to your page and correctly inserted your site ID into the code. During this time, your site will be in a "queue" until I have added it to the ring. I don't check that daily, so it may take a few days until your site actually appears in the ring. Please be a little patient...
Add the HTML code fragment below to your page you have just registered. This will put your site in the ring once I have approved of it. You must put the code on the top or bottom of the main page, not on some hidden page. The purpose of the ring navigation section is to make navigation easy and help people to surf easily from site to site, they shouldn't have to look for it.
Replace YOUR-SITE-ID with the site ID number you have just been assigned, YOUR-NAME with your name and replace YOUR-EMAIL-ADDRESS with your email address!
If you don't the ring would be "broken", and I can not insert the site into the ring until you have correct the situation. You can also use the fragment that the ring management software emails you, it should have replaced the relevant information already, so you should be able to cut and past that into your page.
You have two images to choose from. You can copy the image to your site, but I recommend leaving the link as it is, because the image will be in the browser's cache, so there won't be a load time if the user comes from another VAIO web ring site. You can link to either of these images for the navigation:
![]() | ![]() |
<!--------------------------Begin VAIO 505 Web Ring Code-----------------------------> <hr width="75%"><BR><CENTER><FONT SIZE=2> <b>This <A HREF="http://www.franken.de/users/dagobah/vaio/vaio.html">VAIO 505 WebRing</A> site is owned by <A HREF="mailto:YOUR-EMAIL-ADDRESS">YOUR-NAME</A>.</b><BR> <p><IMG src="http://www.franken.de/users/dagobah/vaio/keys.jpg" width=173 height=117 usemap="#vaio_nav" border=0 alt="Ring-Navigation"><p> <b>Questions or comments, email the creator at: <A HREF="mailto:o.scholz@gmx.net">o.scholz@gmx.net</A></b><BR> </FONT></CENTER><P> <hr> <MAP NAME="vaio_nav"> <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="0,0,57,57" HREF="mailto:YOUR-EMAIL-ADDRESS" > <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="59,0,114,57" HREF="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=vaio&id=YOUR-SITE-ID&skip" > <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="116,0,172,57" HREF="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=vaio&random" > <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="0,59,57,117" HREF="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=vaio&id=YOUR-SITE-ID&prev" > <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="59,59,114,117" HREF="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=vaio&id=YOUR-SITE-ID&next5" > <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="116,59,172,117" HREF="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=vaio&id=YOUR-SITE-ID&next" > </MAP> <!--------------------------End VAIO 505 WebRing Code------------------------------->Back to top
Questions or comments, email the creator at: o.scholz@gmx.net